Welcome to our family farm, a three-year-old organic farming operation located in Traunik, Michigan. At our farm, we are committed to growing organic produce and fostering a regenerative farming system. While we are not certified organic, we adhere to strict organic practices and only use materials approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI).

Our Family farm

sustainable focus

Cover cropping is an integral part of our growing practices, as we aim to develop a closed-looped system by utilizing compost from the farm and minimizing the need for external soil amendments. With 40 acres of land, we cultivate one acre of vegetables at a time, employing sustainable techniques and integrating specialty grains and unique corn varieties. We prioritize sustainability by using minimal plastic and continuously striving to be a regenerative farm system.

THe Family

The farm is led by Mike Osier, who has a lifelong background in agriculture and landscaping. Mike's passion for farming and growing his own food led him to start his own operation. Erika Osier, Mike's wife, has experience with farming, specifically raising goats, sheep, and chickens before joining forces with Mike. Erika plays a vital role on the farm, assisting with various tasks such as washing, packing, and harvesting.

We are thrilled

to be part of the Traunik community and are dedicated to providing you with fresh, organic produce while prioritizing sustainable farming practices. Thank you for supporting our family farm!